News archive

  • Træna islands, Norway, Photo by: Terje Rakke (Nordic Life)

    Since the EmpowerUs project started in October 2022, Norwegian partners Nordland Research Institute (Norway Academic Lead) and Kunnskapsparken Helgeland (Norway Local Host) have been busy carrying out fieldwork and engaging with local stakeholders in Træna, the Norwegian Transition Coastal Lab (TCL).

  • Nordland Research Institute´s Maiken Bjørkan has been chosen for the working group of social sciences in The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC).

  • Fiskerne har fått øynene opp for marin forsøpling, men havnene mangler ofte mottakssystemer for fiskerirelatert avfall. Foto: Terje Rakke /

    Harbors with good enough systems for handling litter is key to reducing marine waste, shows new research from Nordland Research Institute, North University and Norce.

  • Livet som gammel på bygda er bedre enn sitt rykte. Foto: Arild Storaas

    People moving away, increase of elderly people, lack of municipal services. So say the media when speaking about rural districts. Now scientists can prove them wrong.

  • Influencer Alice Asplund er opptatt av at alle skal kunne bruke utmarka og sprer hashtaggen #minutmark på Instagram. Foto: frkasplund

    Teaming up with influencer Alice Asplund, the Instagram-campaign #minutmark is thriving.

  • The tourism industry on Svalbard needs to thrive. At the same time, the nature must be conserved. It is a challenge. Photo: Marcela Cardenas /

    At Svalbard, lofty ambitions for environmental care and a growing tourism industry create challenges. Now actors from the industry join forces with researchers to find solutions for the future.