Svalbard, Norway. Photo: Jarle Røssland /


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The aim of TIPPING+ is to generate a unique transdisciplinary social science analytical framework to respond to the following intertwined questions:

• Why at one or several points in time Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCIRs) flip into fundamentally different development trajectories and embrace low carbon, clean-energy transformations?

• What are the actual effects of such fundamental changes on the livelihoods and the sustainability of regional economies and social-ecological systems?

• How can the knowledge from the recent past about the multiple social-ecological processes leading to sudden and fundamental changes in these regions be used to identify the most effective tipping interventions that enact low-carbon, clean-energy transitions in other regions?

TIPPING+ will produce a step-wise advance in the scientific understanding of the critical concept of Social-Ecological Tipping Points (SETPs) to show how a much more robust and empirically-grounded theory of SETPs can be applied to support successful clean-energy transitions in CCIRs.

European Union - Horizon 2020
Ledes av
Global Climate Forum
Forskningsleder / Forsker I
Forsker II, bistilling
Delft University of Technology – TU Delft
CIRPA - Università Degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.
Ecole d’ Economie de Paris - Paris School of Economics
Universitaet Graz
Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory - University of Piraeus Research Center
Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science
Westport Consulting
National School of Political Studies and Public Administration
Fundacja Naukowa Instytut Badań Strukturalnych / Institute for Structural Research
Aalborg Universitet - Sustainability and Resilience
Innolab Space
Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland

