Antunes Nogueira
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Senior Researcher, part-time post
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Key qualifications

Leticia Antunes Nogueira is a senior researcher at Nordland Research Institute, in Norway. Her research addresses questions of how value is created and captured in complex systems of industrial organization, the role of policy and social institutions in these processes, and the interplay between public goods, private goods and common-pool resources. Her research field concerns Industrial Dynamics, Organization Theory, and Science, Technology and Innovation Studies. She is especially focused in contexts related to the green shift in the energy and waste management sectors. Nogueira has also worked with questions concerning firm capabilities and behavior in dynamic environments, in which technological change lead to volatility and uncertainty.

  • PhD in Innovation Economics, Aalborg University, Denmark (2018).
  • Master of Sciences in Economics and Business Administration (Competence profile in Innovation, Knowledge and Entrepreneurial Dynamics), Aalborg University, Denmark (2013).
  • Bachelor in Business Administration, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, Brazil (2008).
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